Global pandemics can wreak havoc and lead to significant social, economic, and personal losses. Preventing the spread of infectious diseases requires implementing interventions at various levels of government and evaluating the potential impact and efficacy of those preemptive measures. Agent-based modeling can be used for detailed studies of epidemic diffusion and possible interventions. Modeling of epidemic diffusion in large social contact networks requires the use of parallel algorithms and resources. In this work, we present Loimos, a scalable parallel framework for simulating epidemic diffusion. Loimos uses a hybrid of time-stepping and discrete-event simulation to model disease spread, and is implemented on top of an asynchronous, many-task runtime. We demonstrate that Loimos is to able achieve significant speedups while scaling to large core counts. In particular, Loimos is able to simulate 200 days of a COVID-19 outbreak on a digital twin of California in about 42 seconds, for an average of 4.6 billion traversed edges per second (TEPS), using 4096 cores on Perlmutter at NERSC.
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Joy Kitson is a Computer Science PhD student in the Parallel Systems and Software Group at UMD, advised by Abhinav Bhatele, and completed her Bachelors degree at the University of Delaware in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in 2020. She studies how to best harness high performance computing resources to support simulations of infectious disease spread. She was selected as a Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellow in 2021, and has interned at Livermore, Argonne, Oak Ridge, and Los Alamos National Labratories.