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parallel: GNU parallel tool for executing jobs in parallel


  1. Overview of package
    1. General usage
  2. Availability of package by cluster

Overview of package

General information about package
Package: parallel
Description: GNU parallel tool for executing jobs in parallel
For more information:
License: OpenSource (GPLv3)

General usage information

GNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers. A job can be a single command or a small script that needs to be run for each of the lines in the input

Available versions of the package parallel, by cluster

This section lists the available versions of the package parallelon the different clusters.

Available versions of parallel on the Zaratan cluster

Available versions of parallel on the Zaratan cluster
Version Module tags CPU(s) optimized for GPU ready?
20220522 parallel/20220522 zen2 Y

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