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netlogo: NetLogo is a programming language and an IDE for agent-based modeling.


  1. Overview of package
    1. General usage
  2. Availability of package by cluster

Overview of package

General information about package
Package: netlogo
Description: NetLogo is a programming language and an IDE for agent-based modeling.
For more information:
License: OpenSource (GPL)

General usage information

NetLogo was designed with multiple audiences in mind, in particular, teaching children in the education community, and for domain experts without a programming background to model related phenomena. For more information see

Available versions of the package netlogo, by cluster

This section lists the available versions of the package netlogoon the different clusters.

Available versions of netlogo on the Zaratan cluster

Available versions of netlogo on the Zaratan cluster
Version Module tags CPU(s) optimized for GPU ready?
6.4.0 netlogo/6.4.0 x86_64 Y

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