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Mathematica: Mathematica symbolic and computational mathematics package.


  1. Overview of package
    1. General usage
  2. Availability of package by cluster
  3. Running Mathematica
    1. With the GUI
    2. Commandline/Without the GUI

Overview of package

General information about package
Package: Mathematica
Description: Mathematica symbolic and computational mathematics package.
For more information:
License: Proprietary (Multi-department funded)

General usage information

Mathematica is a computational software program used in many scientific, engineering, mathematical and computing fields, based on symbolic

This module will add the commands math and mathematica to your PATH. Run math for the command line interface, and run mathematica for the GUI interface.

Mathematica is proprietarily licensed software. It is made available to UMD users through a campus license paid for with funding from various colleges.

Available versions of the package Mathematica, by cluster

This section lists the available versions of the package Mathematicaon the different clusters.

Available versions of Mathematica on the Zaratan cluster

Available versions of Mathematica on the Zaratan cluster
Version Module tags CPU(s) optimized for GPU ready?
12.3.0 mathematica/12.3.0 x86_64 Y

Running Mathematica

This section provides a little help on running Mathematica.

Running Mathematica with the GUI

This is generally fairly simple. Just type mathematica and the Mathematica notebook should open. This assumes you have an X11 server running on your desktop.

NOTE: Mathematica uses specialized fonts to display the mathematical and other symbols it uses. These fonts must be installed on the system the X11 server is running on, e.g. your desktop. If you are receiving graphics errors, or the fonts are screwed up, you probably need to install the fonts on your desktop system. See this knowledge base article for Macs, or the Wolfram site for the official Wolfram solution.

Running Mathematica from the Commandline/Without the GUI

There are times when you wish to run a mathematica script non-interactively. E.g., submit it from the command line to run as a batch job, for instance on an HPC cluster.

In this case, you should place your mathematica commands into a file using a text editor. For this example, we will assume the commands are in the file my-math-script.m. You should then run the script file with the command math -noprompt -script my-math-script.m. The math command runs the command line version of Mathematica, the -noprompt argument suppresses the display of the command prompt, and the -script argument tells it to take input from the following file name.

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