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Hybrid (MPI + multithreaded) Job Submission Example

This page shows an example of submitting a job that uses a hybrid of both distributed-memory and shared-memory parallelism. In this case, the job will use MPI for the distributed memory parallelism, and multithreading for the shared portion; i.e. it launches a number of MPI tasks with each task using a number of threads. This hybrid technique is only supported by some codes, typically is useful when the problem can be decomposed for parallelization in two orthogonal ways.

This page provides an example of submitting such a hybrid code. It is based on the HelloUMD-HybridMPI job templates in the OnDemand portal.

This job makes use of a simple Hello World! program called hello-umd available in the UMD HPC cluster software library and which supports sequential , multithreaded , and MPI modes of operation. The code simply prints an identifying message from each thread of each task.


This example basically consists of a single file, the job script (see for a listing and explanation of the script) which gets submitted to the cluster via the sbatch command.

The script is designed to show many good practices; including:

Many of the practices above are rather overkill for such a simple job --- indeed, the vast majority of lines are for these "good practices" rather than the running of the intended code, but are included for educational purposes.

This code runs hello-umd in multiple MPI tasks, with each task consisting of multiple threads, saving the output to a file in the temporary work directory, and then copying back to the submission directory. We could have forgone all that and simply have the output of hello-umd go to standard output, which would be available in the slurm-JOBNUMBER.out file (or whatever file you instructed Slurm to use instead). Doing such is acceptable as long as the code is not producing an excessive amount (many MBs) of output --- if the code produces a lot of output having it all sent to Slurm output file can cause problems, and it is better to redirect to a file.

The submission script

The submission script can be downloaded as plain text. We present a copy with line numbers for discussion below (click on lines to link to discussion for those lines):

Source of

HelloUMD-HybridMPI job submission script
Line# Code
# The line above this is the "shebang" line.  It must be first line in script
#	OnDemand Job Template for Hello-UMD, MPI + threaded version
#	Runs a simple MPI + threaded enabled hello-world code
# Slurm sbatch parameters section:
#	Request 3 MPI tasks with 15 CPU cores each
#SBATCH -n 3
#SBATCH -c 15
#	Request 5 minutes of walltime
#SBATCH -t 5
#	Request 1 GB of memory per CPU core
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1024
#	Do not allow other jobs to run on same node
#SBATCH --exclusive
#	Run on debug partition for rapid turnaround.  You will need
#	to change this (remove the line) if walltime > 15 minutes
#SBATCH --partition=debug
#       Do not inherit the environment of the process running the
#       sbatch command.  This requires you to explicitly set up the
#       environment for the job in this script, improving reproducibility
#SBATCH --export=NONE
# This job will run the hello-umd with multiple MPI tasks each using 
# multiple threads.  We create a directory on parallel filesystem from 
# where we actually will run the job.
# Section to ensure we have the "module" command defined
unalias tap >& /dev/null
if [ -f ~/.bash_profile ]; then
	source ~/.bash_profile
elif [ -f ~/.profile ]; then
	source ~/.profile
# Set SLURM_EXPORT_ENV to ALL.  This prevents the --export=NONE flag
# from being passed to mpirun/srun/etc, which can cause issues.
# We want the environment of the job script to be passed to all 
# tasks/processes of the job
# Module load section
# First clear our module list 
module purge
# and reload the standard modules
module load hpcc/deepthought2
# Load the desired compiler,  MPI, and package modules
# NOTE: You need to use the same compiler and MPI module used
# when compiling the MPI-enabled code you wish to run (in this
# case hello-umd).  The values # listed below are correct for the
# version of hello-umd we will be using, but you may need to 
# change them if you wish to run a different package.
module load gcc/8.4.0
module load openmpi/3.1.5
module load hello-umd/1.5
# Section to make a scratch directory for this job
# Because different MPI tasks, which might be on different nodes, and will need
# access to it, we put it in a parallel file system.  
# We include the SLURM jobid in the directory name to avoid interference 
# if multiple jobs running at same time.
# Section to output information identifying the job, etc.
echo "Slurm job ${SLURM_JOBID} running on"
echo "To run on ${SLURM_NTASKS} CPU cores across ${SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES} nodes"
echo "All nodes: ${SLURM_JOB_NODELIST}"
echo "Loaded modules are:"
module list
echo "Job will be started out of $TMPWORKDIR"
# Setting this variable will suppress the warnings
# about lack of CUDA support on non-GPU enabled nodes.  We
# are not using CUDA, so warning is harmless.
export OMPI_MCA_mpi_cuda_support=0
# Get the full path to our hello-umd executable.  It is best
# to provide the full path of our executable to mpirun, etc.
MYEXE=`which hello-umd`
echo "Using executable $MYEXE"
# Run our script using mpirun
# We do not specify the number of tasks here, and instead rely on
# it defaulting to the number of tasks requested of Slurm
# We add -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK to have hello-umd run threads on all cores 
# allocated to the job
mpirun  ${MYEXE} -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK  > hello.out 2>&1
# Save the exit code from the previous command
# Output from the above command was placed in a work directory in a parallel
# filesystem.  That parallel filesystem does _not_ get cleaned up automatically.
# And it is not normally visible from the Job Composer.
# To deal with this, we make a symlink from the job submit directory to
# the work directory for the job.  
# NOTE: The work directory will continue to exist until you delete it.  It will
# not get deleted when you delete the job in Job Composer.
ln -s ${TMPWORKDIR} ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}/work-dir
echo "Job finished with exit code $ECODE.  Work dir is $TMPWORKDIR"
# Exit with the cached exit code
exit $ECODE

Discussion of

Line 1: The Unix shebang
This is the standard Unix shebang line which defines which program should be used to interpret the script. This "shebang" MUST be the first line of the script --- it is not recognized if there are any line, even comment lines and/or blank lines before it. The Slurm scheduler requires that your job script starts with a shebang line.

Like most of our examples, this shebang uses the /bin/bash interpretter, which is the bash (Bourne-again) shell. This is a compatible replacement to and enhancement of the original Unix Bourne shell. You can opt to specify another shell or interpretter if you so desire, common choices are:

  • the Bourne shell (/bin/sh) in your shebang (note that this basically just uses bash in a restricted mode)
  • or one of the C shell variants (/bin/csh or /bin/tcsh)

However, we recommend the use of the bash shell, as it has the support for scripting; this might not matter for most job submission scripts because of their simplicity, but might if you start to need more advanced features. The examples generally use the bash shell for this reason.

Lines 3-6: Comments
These are comment lines describing the script. Note that the bash (as well as sh, csh, and tcsh) shells will treat any line starting with an octothorpe/pound/number sign (#) as a comment. This includes some special lines which are significant and effect the Slurm scheduler:
  • The "shebang" line is a comment to the shell, but is not ignored by the system or the Slurm commands, and controls which shell is used to interpret the rest of the script file.
  • The various lines starting with #SBATCH are used to control the Slurm scheduler and will be discussed elsewhere.

But other than the cases above, feel free to use comment lines to remind yourself (and maybe others reading your script) of what the script is doing.

Lines 10-24: Sbatch options
The various lines starting with #SBATCH can be used to control how the Slurm sbatch command submits the job. Basically, any command line flags can be provided witha #SBATCH line in the script, and you can mix and match command line options and options in #SBATCH.

NOTE: any #SBATCH must precede any "executable lines" in the script. It is recommended that you have nothing but the shebang line, comments and blank lines before any #SBATCH lines.

Lines 10-11
These lines requests 3 MPI tasks (--ntasks=3 or -n 3) with each task having 15 CPU cores (--cpus-per-task=15 or -c 15).

Note that we do not specify a number of nodes, and we recommend that you do not specify a node count for most jobs --- by default Slurm will allocate enough nodes to satisfy this job's needs, and if you specify a value which is incorrect it will only cause problems.

We choose 3 MPI tasks of 15 cores as this will usually require multiple nodes on both Deepthought2 and Juggernaut (although some of the larger Juggernaut nodes can support this request on a single node), and so makes a better demonstration, but will still fit in the debug partition.

Line 13
This line requests a walltime of 5 minutes.The #SBATCH -t TIME line sets the time limit for the job. The requested TIME value can take any of a number of formats, including:

It is important to set the time limit appropriately. It must be set longer than you expect the job to run, preferable with a modest cushion for error --- when the time limit is up, the job will be canceled.

You do not want to make the requested time excessive, either. Although you are only charged for the actual time used (i.e. if you requested 12 hours and the job finished in 11 hours, your job is only charged for 11 not 12 hours), there are other downsides of requesting too much wall time. Among them, the job may spend more time in the queue, and might not run at all if your account is low on funds (the scheduler will use the requested wall time to estimate the number of SUs the job will consume, and will not start a job if it and all currently running jobs are projected to have sufficient SUs to complete). And if it starts, and excessive walltime might block other jobs from running for a similar reason.

In general, you should estimate the maximum run time, and pad it by 10% or so.

In this case, the hello-umd will run very quickly; much less than 5 minutes.

Line 15
This sets the amount of memory to be requested for the job.

There are several parameters you can give to Slurm/sbatch to specify the memory to be allocated for the job. It is recommended that you always include a memory request for your job --- if omitted it will default to 6GB per CPU core. The recommended way to request memory is with the --mem-per-cpu=N flag. Here N is in MB. This will request N MB of RAM for each CPU core allocated to the job. Since you often wish to ensure each process in the job has sufficient memory, this is usually the best way to do so.

An alternative is with the --mem=N flag. This sets the maximum memory use by node. Again, N is in MB. This could be useful for single node jobs, especially multithreaded jobs, as there is only a single node and threads generally share significant amounts of memory. But for MPI jobs the --mem-per-cpu flag is usually more appropriate and convenient.

For MPI codes, we recommend using --mem-per-cpu instead of --mem since you generally wish to ensure each MPI task has sufficient memory.

The hello-umd does not use much memory, so 1 GB per core is plenty.

Line 17
This line tells Slurm that you do not wish to allow any other jobs to run on the nodes allocated to your job while it is running.

The lines SBATCH --share, SBATCH --oversubscribe, or SBATCH --exclusive decide whether or not other jobs are able to run on the same node(s) are your job.

NOTE: The Slurm scheduler changed the name of the flag for "shared" mode. The proper flag is now #SBATCH --oversubscribe. You must use the "oversubscribe" flag on Juggernaut. You can currently use either form on Deepthought2, but the "#SBATCH --share form is deprecated and at some point will no longer be supported. Both forms effectively do the same thing.

In exclusive mode, no other jobs are able to run on a node allocated to your job while your job is running. This greatly reduces the possibility of another job interfering with the running of your job. But if you are not using all of the resources of the node(s) your job is running on, it is also wasteful of resources. In exclusive mode, we charge your job for all of the cores on the nodes allocated to your job, regardless of whether you are using them or not.

In share/oversubscribe mode, other jobs (including those of other users) may run on the same node as your job as long as there are sufficient resources for both. We make efforts to try to prevent jobs from interfering with each other, but such methods are not perfect, so while the risk of interference is small, it is much greater risk in share mode than in exclusive mode. However, in share mode you are only charged for the requested number of cores (not all cores on the node unless you requested such), and your job might spend less time in the queue (since it can avail itself of nodes which are in use by other jobs but have some unallocated resources).

Our recommendation is that large (many-core/many-node) and/or long running jobs use exclusive mode, as the potential cost of adverse interence is greatest here. Plus large jobs tend to use most if not all cores of most of the nodes they run on, so the cost of exclusive mode tends to be less. Smaller jobs, and single core jobs in particular, generally benefit from share/oversubscribe mode, as they tend to less fully utiliize the nodes they run on (indeed, on a standard Deepthought2 node, a single core job will only use 5% of the CPU cores).

The default for the cluster is, unless you specify otherwise, to default single core jobs to share mode, and multicore/multinode jobs to exclusive mode. This is not an ideal choice, and might change in the future. We recommend that you always explicitly request either share/oversubscribe or exclusive as appropriate.

Again, as a multi-core job, #SBATCH --exclusive is the default, but we recommend explicitly stating this.

Line 20
This line specifies what partition we wish to use. This line states that we wish to submit this job to the debug partition. The debug partition has limited resources, and a maximum 15 minute walltime, but this is a very short and small job, so the debug partition suits it well.

For real production work, the debug queue is probably not adequate, in which case it is recommended that you just omit this line and let the scheduler select an appropriate partition for you.

Line 24
This line instructs sbatch not to let the job process inherit the environment of the process which invoked the sbatch command. This requires the job script to explicitly set up its required environment, as it can no longer depend on environmental settings you had when you run the sbatch command. While this may require a few more lines in your script, it is a good practice and improves the reproducibility of the job script --- without this it is possible the job would only run correctly if you had a certain module loaded or variable set when you submit the job.
Lines 32-37: Reading the bash profile
These lines make sure that the module command is available in your script. They are generally only required if the shell specified in the shebang line does not match your default login shell, in which case the proper startup files likely did not get invoked.

The unalias line is to ensure that there is no vestigal tap command. It is sometimes needed on RHEL6 systems, should not be needed on the newer platforms but is harmless when not needed. The remaining lines will read in the appropriate dot files for the bash shell --- the if, then, elif construct enables this script to work on both the Deepthought2 and Juggernaut clusters, which have a slightly different name for the bash startup file.

Line 43: Setting SLURM_EXPORT_ENV
This line changes an environemntal variable that affects how various Slurm commands operate. This line sets the variable SLURM_EXPORT_ENV to the value ALL, which causes the environment to be shared with other processes spawned by Slurm commands (which also includes mpirun and similar).

At first this might seem to contradict our recommendation to use #SBATCH --export=NONE, but it really does not. The #SBATCH --export=NONE setting will cause the job script not to inherit the environment of the shell in which you ran the sbatch command. But we are now in the job script, which because of the --export=NONE flag, has it's own environment which was set up in the script. We want this environment to be shared with other MPI tasks and processes spawned by this job. These MPI tasks and processes will inherit the environment set up in this script, not the environment from which the sbatch command ran.

This important for MPI jobs like this, because otherwise the mpirun code might not spawn properly.

Lines 47-58: Module loads
These lines ensure that the proper modules are loaded.

To begin with, we do a module purge to clear out any previously loaded modules. This prevents them from interfering with subsequent module loads. Then we load the default module for the cluster with module load hpcc/deepthought2; this line should be adjusted for the cluster being used (e.g. module load hpcc/juggernaut for the Juggernaut cluster).

We then load the desired compiler and MPI library, finally the hello-umd. We recommend that you always load the compiler module first, and then if needed the MPI library, and then any higher level applications. Many packages have different builds for different compilers, MPI libraries, etc., and the module command is smart enough to load the correct versions of these. Note that we specify the versions; if you omitted the version the module command will usually try to the load most recent version installed.

We recommend that you always specify the specific version you want in your job scripts --- this makes your job more reproducible. Systems staff may add newer versions of existing packages without notification, and if you do not specify a version, the default version may change without your expecting it. In particular, a job that runs fine today using today's default version might crash unexpectedly when you try running it again in six months because the packages it uses were updated and your inputs are not compatible with the new version of the code.

Lines 65-67: Creating a working directory
These lines generate a working directory on the high-performance lustre filesystem. Generally for MPI jobs you want a working directory which is accessible to all tasks running as part of the job, regardless of what node it is running on. The /tmp is specific to a single node, so that is usually not suitable for MPI jobs. The lustre filesystem is accessible by all of the compute nodes of cluster, so it is a good choice for MPI jobs.

The TMPWORKDIR="/lustre/$USER/ood-job.${SLURM_JOBID}"> or similar line defines an environmental variable containing the name of our chosen work directory. The ${SLURM_JOBID} references another environmental variable which is automatically set by Slurm (when the job starts to run) to the job number for this job --- using this in our work directory names helps ensure it will not conflict with any other job. The mkdir command creates this work directory, and the cd changes our working directory to that directory--- note in those last commands the use of the environmental variable we just created to hold the directory name.

Lines 70-78: Identifiying ourselves
These lines print some information about the job into the Slurm output file. It uses the environmental variables SLURM_JOBID, SLURM_NTASKS, SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES, and SLURM_JOB_NODELIST which are set by Slurm at the start of the job to list the job number, the number of MPI tasks, the number of nodes, and the names of the nodes allocated to the job. It also prints the time and date that the job started (the date command), the working directory (the pwd command), and the list of loaded modules (the module list command). Although you are probably not interested in any of that information if the job runs as expected, they can often be helpful in diagnosing why things did not work as expected.

Line 83: OpenMPI CUDA fix
This line sets a parameter which controls the OpenMPI behavior. This particular setting suppresses a warning message from OpenMPI when it is unable to find the CUDA libraries --- our OpenMPI is built with CUDA support but the CUDA runtime libraries are only present on the GPU enabled nodes. This job does not support or use CUDA, so we do not want to get the warning message.
Lines 87-88: Find the binary
These lines determine the full path to the hello-umd command, and stores it in an environmental variable named MYEXE, and then outputs the path for added diagnostics. We find that MPI jobs run better when you provide the absolute path to the executable to the mpirun or similar command.
Line 95: Actually run the command
Finally! We actually run the command for this job script. Since this is an MPI job, we run the mpirun command with the absolute path to our hello-umd executable as the first argument. Since we want each MPI task to run in multithreaded mode, we add the -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK arguments to hello-umd, so that it will use as many threads as we requested.

Note that we do not do not specify the number of tasks and instead rely on mpirun defaulting to the number of tasks requested from Slurm (-n), requested per task (-c). We also do not specify a fixed number of threads, but instead use the Slurm defined environment variable SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK when giving hello-umd the number of threads to run. (We could have given -t 0, but then we might have been surprised to see more threads than we expected --- because we are running in exclusive mode, all of the CPU cores on the node will be assigned to the job, and if there more cores on the node than required for the tasks on the node, using -t 0 will use those cores as well. So we recommend giving -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK for this case.) In general, we recommend you also use such short cuts and/or Slurm-set environmental variables like SLURM_NTASKS and SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK) to reduce to chance of inconsistencies. I.e., if you were to explicitly give a number of tasks to mpirun (and do not use SLURM_NTASKS), or explicitly give a number of threads to hello-umd (not using SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK) and you experiment with different task/thread counts, then it is easy to forget to update the changes in both places, resulting in discrepencies between what the scheduler allocated and what the job expects. This can cause the job to immediately fail, or even worse, to waste resources (if you end up requesting more resources than are used) or run very slowly (if e.g. more threads are requested than the available CPU cores ).

We run the code so as to save the output in the file hello.out in the current working directory. The > operator does output redirection, meaning that all of the standard output goes to the specified file (hello.out in this case). The >&1 operator causes the standard error output to be sent to the standard output stream (1 is the number for the standard output stream), and since standard output was redirected to the file, so will the standard error be.

For this simple case, we could have omitted the redirection of standard output and standard error, in which case any such output would end up in the Slurm output file (usually named slurm-JOBNUMBER.out. However, if your job produces a lot (many MBs) of output to standard output/standard error, this can be problematic. It is good practice to redirect output if you know your code will produce more than 1000 or so lines of output.

Line 97: Store the error code
This line stores the shell error code from the previous command (which actually ran the code we are interested in). This is not needed if the code is that last line in your job script, but it is not in this case (we have to copy some files, etc). Slurm will look at the exit code of the last command run in the script file when trying to determine if the job succeeded or failed, and we do not want it to incorrectly report the job as succeeding if the application we wanted to run failed but a copy command in our clean-up section was successful.

The special shell variable $? stores the exit code from the last command. Normally it will be 0 if the command was successful, and non-zero otherwise. But it only works for the last command, so we save it in the variable ECODE.

Line 108: Symlink the working directory
This line creates a symlink from the submission directory to the working directory. This line is really only present for the sake of users running the code from within the OnDemand Portal, since the portal's Job Composer only shows the submission directory, and without this line would not see the output in the working directory.
Lines 110-111: Say goodbye
These lines print some useful information at the end of the job. Basically they just say that the job finished, and prints the exit code we stored in ECODE, and then prints the date/time of completion using the date command
Line 114: Exit
This line exits the script, setting the exit code for the script to the exit code of our application that we saved in the environment variable ECODE. This means that the script will have the same exit code as the application, which will allow Slurm to better determine if the job was successful or not. (If we did not do this, the error code of the script will be the error code of the last command that ran, in this case the date command which should never fail. So even if your application aborted, the script would return a successful (0) error code, and Slurm would think the job succeeded if this line was omitted).
Line 116: Trailing blank line
We recommend that you get into the habit of leaving one or more blank lines at the end of your script. This is especially true if you write the scripts in Windows and then transfer to the cluster.

The reason for this is that if the last line does not have the proper line termination character, it will be ignored by the shell. Over the years, we have had many users confused as to why there job ended as soon as it started without error, etc. --- it turns out the last line of their script was the line which actually ran their code, and it was missing the correct line termination character. Therefore, the job ran, did some initialization and module loads, and exited without running the command they were most interested in because of a missing line termination character (which can be easily overlooked).

This problem most frequently occurs when transferring files between Unix/Linux and Windows operating systems. While there are utilities that can add the correct line termination characters, the easy solution in my opinion is to just add one or more blank lines at the end of your script --- if the shell ignores the blank lines, you do not care.

Running the example

The easiest way to run this example is with the Job Composer of the OnDemand portal, using the HelloUMD-HybridMPI template.

To submit from the command line, just

  1. Download the script to the HPC login node.
  2. Run the command sbatch This will submit the job to the scheduler, and should return a message like Submitted batch job 23767 --- the number will vary (and is the job number for this job). The job number can be used to reference the job in Slurm, etc. (Please always give the job number(s) when requesting help about a job you submitted).

Whichever method you used for submission, the job will be queued for the debug partition and should run within 15 minutes or so. When it finishes running, the slurm-JOBNUMBER.out should contain the output from our diagnostic commands (time the job started, finished, module list, etc). The output of the hello-umd will be in the file hello.out in the directory from which you submitted the job. If you used OnDemand, these file will appear listed in the Folder contents section on the right.

The hello-umd file should look something like:

hello-umd: Version 1.5
Built for compiler: gcc/8.4.0
with MPI support( usgin MPI library openmpi/3.1.5)
Hello UMD from thread 0 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 2 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 12 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 9 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 4 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 10 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 1 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 3 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 11 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 8 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 13 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 6 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 14 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 7 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 5 of 15, task 0 of 3 (pid=227028 on host
Hello UMD from thread 0 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 10 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 7 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 9 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 2 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 5 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 1 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 8 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 11 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 12 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 13 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 6 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 14 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 3 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 4 of 15, task 1 of 3 (pid=227031 on host
Hello UMD from thread 0 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 6 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 12 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 2 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 11 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 14 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 3 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 8 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 1 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 5 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 7 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 9 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 10 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 13 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host
Hello UMD from thread 4 of 15, task 2 of 3 (pid=118719 on host

There should be two lines (one with version, one with compiler) identifying the hello-umd command, followed by 45 messages, one from each pair of thread number 0 to 14 and task number 0 to 2. These lines can appear in any order due to the parallel nature of the code. For any particular task number, the pid and the hostname should be the same, but the pids should be different for different task ids (and will likely not match the pids shown above). The hostnames should be different between tasks if run on the Deepthought2 cluster, but might not be on Juggernaut (since most Juggernaut nodes have at least 30 cores , and some have over 45, and so can fit 2 or even 3 of our 15-core tasks on a single node).

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